Our emphasis on strength goes beyond simply targeting underdeveloped muscle groups. Coaches assess their athletes mental resilience by creating challenging scenarios and observing their reactions. In addition to physical growth, coaches aid in cultivating emotional strength and determination in athletes.

Like anyone, individuals with IDD deserve to grasp and appreciate when they've achieved something. Our curriculum model intentionally reinforces this feeling in our athletes every time they complete a set of exercises. Fitness 4 Focus athletes embrace this emphasis as a crucial component of their sessions. In addition to becoming physically stronger and more coordinated, their confidence grows. This confidence follows and serve them far outside of the gym.

We serve a wide range of individuals, including many with mobility challenges who need additional assistance to perform exercises correctly. Even though athletes coordination usually improves as they become stronger, it can still be a considerable hurdle during their workouts.

When our athletes blend their increased strength, coordination, and confidence, we see their independence flourish. Some of our athletes progress through our curriculum and grow to the point of being able to complete our sessions on their own. Here, we encourage them to transition to working out at a public gym.